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Mild-Moderate Emphysema Life Expectancy

Hi, I am 36 years old with two small children and am wondering to hear some of peoples personal stories and some hope I can live old and see my kids grow up. Can anyone here let me know any stories of people that have lived with this for 20years plus

  1. Hi , I hear how scary and overwhelming this time has been for you. I'm confident some of our other community members will chime in, but i will say, everyone is different and reacts to their COPD differently. For many, with the help of their doctors, they live very happy and fulfilling lives with COPD. Here are a few articles talking about how to stay healthy and live with COPD if you are interested: Wishing you a peaceful day. All the best, Sam S. (team member).

    1. Hi , and thanks for your post. It's understandable for you to feel the way you do. As a young mom with a diagnosis of COPD, you certainly want to know what the future holds for you.
      I see my colleague, , has responded already and provided some excellent resource material. I do hope you have an opportunity to look over the information.
      I can tell you, from professional experience, I am familiar with all different age patients who have lived rewarding, productive lives with this disease.
      You may also be aware, there are lifestyles that can actually help to slow down the progression of COPD.
      Please know you are always welcome here in our online community. If there is anything we can do to assist you, please let me or any other moderator / team member know.
      All the best,
      Leon (site moderator)

      1. Hi ! I was diagnosed 11 years ago at 39, although I have had symptoms since I was 29. I can tell you I was put on oxygen a year later but should have been on it from the start. Here I am 11 years later, with the same lung function, and have seen all 3 of my kids graduate, 2 get married and I have 5 grandkids. They are what keep me going. We are promised nothing in life, but we have to help ourselves to keep healthy and do the best we can. Never stop doing something because it gets too hard. We just learn how to adapt. We may go slower, or not as long as we used to at things but we must keep moving. The best thing I ever did was join an online Pulmonary Rehab and start a healthy diet. I wish I would have listed to my doctors sooner when they told me to eat healthily and exercise. It took me a few years, but I finally took their advice. Here is a great article about exercise and COPD. I hope this has helped! Best, Jackie (Moderator)

        1. Your fear is completely normal and understanding. I'm sure there are many who can relate and you've already gotten some wise advice. Sending you hugs. I hope you'll use our community for information and support and keep us updated on how you're doing. April - Team Member

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