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Just diagnosed

Hi, a couple of days ago I went to the respratory clinic for a consult. I had a headache for a few days which progressed into congested nose and sinus, then into my chest over about a week and a half. I am 38 and have smoked for about 25yrs. I feel no different to any other time ive had a chest infection but the Dr diagnosed COPD - early stage emphysema. He gave me anti biotics and said I need to go back when my infection clears for spirometry test. I was blown away when he said I have emphysema without 1st doing the Spiro. He did listen to my chest and ask some questions on how long ive smoked and how many. Is it even possible to diagnose emphysema based on asking questions? I mean my chest would sound bad because I have an infection. Really suprised and confused....

  1. Hi checksmcgee, thank you for reaching out. I hear how overwhelmed and confused you feel. Going to the doctor for a chest infection and being diagnosed with COPD is a lot to process! Doctors and respiratory therapists are trained to identify the differences between an infection and suspecting an underlying health concern like COPD. However, as your doctor indicated, a pulmonary function test is needed to confirm COPD after your current infection is resolved. Being diagnosed early can actually be a blessing in disguise as COPD is a progressive disease. Often people are not diagnosed until later stages when more symptoms are present, but this gives them fewer opportunities to slow the progression in the early stages. I thought these articles might be of interest to you:
    Please keep us posted on what you learn at your follow up appointment. Know we are always here to listen and answer questions. Wishing you a gentle day. ~Allyson ( team)

    1. Hi checksmcgee! We appreciate you reaching out to us. As Allyson pointed out, the diagnosis of COPD comes from several different things. A detailed exam, medical history, lung function testing and often times chest X-rays. It’s not uncommon for a doctor to suspect if a person might have COPD before all of the testing is completed. Definitely ask for some clarification from your doctor and please keep us posted after your next appointment! I hope you feel better soon! Don’t hesitate to reach out anytime as we are here for you!
      ~Theresa ( team)

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