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Should I be on inhalers in addition to oxygen for COPD treatment?

I just found out I have COPD. I am using oxygen and I don’t have inhalers. Is this good or bad?

  1. Hi marieb73, thank you for reaching out! Being newly diagnosed can feel so overwhelming. While inhalers are a commonly recommended treatment for those with COPD, that is a discussion and decision that should be undertaken with your doctor! I would encourage you to reach out and initiate the conversation, particularly if your symptoms are causing you to struggle with your breathing. However, if you are feeling well with your oxygen therapy, it may be you do not have a need for other treatments at this time. All bodies are unique and what treatment plans are appropriate will vary from person to person. I did think you might find this article overview on treatments for COPD to be of interest: Please keep us posted on how you are managing. Wishing you a gentle day. ~Allyson ( team)

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