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I just needed some advice on my copd

I'm sorry but I dont think I should be here I have read alot of things on this site wich I no nothink about. I am sorry for taking up your time. At the moment i am bad with my copd but no were as bad as you people sorry

  1. Hi again and thanks for this, your second post, I already welcomed you in your first post, which you can access here:

    Please know you are always welcome here! From my perspective, the more someone knows about this disease, the better able they will be to manage it in concert with their private medical doctor. You are most definitely in the right place, Jean! Here at, we are all about all things COPD and COPD related. What better place for you to learn all you can about COPD!?
    If there is anything we can assist you, please let anyone on the team, right here on our website know. We will do everything we can to assist you.
    Warm regards,
    Leon (site moderator

    1. Hi Jean and Welcome! This is the place to be if you suffer from COPD at any stage! I did see both of your post, thanks to and you are not alone. There is so many of us on here in many different stages of our shared illness from Just learning they have COPD to those that are in Final Stage.

      Let me tell you I can be in a room full of people that I love and love me, but still feel very "alone". Since I came here not all that long ago, I feel that I am finally understood and what great help this site and the people here like you and me have been. It's all about us ( including you) fighting this battle we are in. Please stay with us and let us help, just think you might be aware of something that someone else might need help with also, great feeling not only to get help, but giving back also.

      I seen you are having issues with breathing even with movement. Have you contacted and told your doctor? Please I hope you will. Have you seen a lung specialist yet (Pulmonologist)? That might be something to check in to if you are not. There is a lot of great meds out there now days that can ease the suffering and open the airways so we can hopefully breath easier, I know I am currently loving mine, even though the weather (heat) has me stuck in the house.

      Please ask anything when needed, come to just chat about your day / night, doctors visits results of test, whatever you wish to.

      If in need of help, say for a ride to appts, cost of meds and such, this is the place to ask about that type of thing too, there is always someone out here that has ideas or knows of places for you to check with.

      This community has been a life saver for me both physically and mentally. I so hope you choose to stay and see what you can learn about our shared disease, there is tons of information. Read even older stories and post in the forum here, you will see just how many of us there is and how we all vary with in the progression of COPD.

      Warm hugs to you, close those eyes and just think WARM HUGS from me please! Doris

      1. so understand the worrying thing, I am the same way..

      2. You're so right, CopdGirl - I do know you! It's always a good feeling knowing that you are here within our community. Always watching, always reading, always providing your welcome input!
        Keep up the good work!
        Leon (site moderator

    2. Jean, please don't be sorry! This site is for everyone who has an interest in COPD, including patients, loved ones and members of the community, so there is absolutely a place for you, no matter where you are on that spectrum. We all have something to learn from each other and I hope you will continue to spend time with us when you are up to it. Take care! -Melissa, team

      Please read our rules before posting.