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This is a great site for people with COPD.

  1. Hi I am so glad you are a part of our community! How have you been feeling lately? Jill,, team member

    1. I just joined hope to have many of copd members help me

      1. we are so glad you are here. Is there any specific information we can help you with? Jill,, team member

    2. Having some rough days. Thanks for your support

      1. So sorry you are having rough days! I hate them. Is there anything in particular you want to ask any of us about. My heart goes out to you with a tight hug attached.

      2. thanks a hug back to you it helps someone cares

    3. It sure is I don't get much support from my family they think I should be able to get up and go. Most department stores don't have handicap carts. I have mobile scooter. But no help lifting it out of car it weights 50 lb and I can't pick it up.

      1. I hear how difficult it is to not have support at home but we are here to offer whatever support we can, or even lend an ear when you need to vent! Wishing you a peaceful day. All the best, Sam S. (, team member).

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