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I am 76 year old male and have multiple medical problems. Other than just dealing with the COPD, one other problem causes me grief.

I have severe osteo-arthritis through-out my whole body. I go and see pain management monthly, and I have been prescribed BELBUCA 150mcg. per bucal film. This is a category 3, DEA controlled drug. This medication keeps me so bound up, even with stool softeners, other medication and drink water till it runs out of my ears. LOL
The problem with the constipation is it pushes my diaphragm up against my lungs (I only have 29% of my lung capacity left) and the resultant shortness of breath, I literally feel as if I am dying, trying to grasp for air (I am also on Oxygen therapy, 3Liters continuous). Then I become flushed, sweaty, elevated temperature and pulse and trying to
remember what how to purse lip breath. And it ain't easy. If anybody is experiencing the same problem, I would surely like to hear from you. I am willing to entertain any suggestion someone may have.
I am a medical wreak, I have heart issues (pacemaker last year) my neck is fused from C2-T1, two lumbar surgeries and scheduled for a third for spinal stenosis, herniated discs at L4-L5 and L5-S1, and sciatica. I developed Parkinson's Disease 10 years ago (presumptive Agent Orange while in Vietnam), hypertension and on and on. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  1. Hi there. First, thanks for your service and I'm glad you found your way to the site. We aren't medical professionals, so we can't give medical advice for your own safety. That said, I know there are many people in your situation with constipation, so I will pass on some resources.

    In the Migraine community where I am also a moderator, constipation is a common side effect of medication. You may find this remedy useful (please check with your doctor before trying any new treatments, even natural ones).

    Also, you may find some other tips and tricks in our communities for irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease, as constipation is common with them:

    I hope you can find some new strategies that help ease your discomfort. We are all here to support you and you don't have to go through this alone. Please let us know how you're doing, okay? -Melissa, copd team

    1. Thank you Melissa. I am praying the hope comes with minor surgery on my L5/S1 Herniation early next month. I will keep you posted. I appreciate the feedback and will look into your suggestion. If you have the opportunity, look up VERTIFLEX Procedure. Minimally invasive.

      1. Well you sure do have your hands full! I am female, 60yrs young and have many issues like you, mine aren't yet as bad as your is, but they are getting there pretty darn fast. Lets see, RA, OA, PsA for the arthritis's, COPD stage 4, Degenerative Disc Disease from top to bottom which I have compressed and bulging disc mostly in the neck and lumbar area's the the T's are working hard at it to catch up. Will be having MRI on the full spine in a couple more weeks to find out if I am ready for any surgeries from my arms/hands and my legs are going numb and/ tingling. Heart disease/blockages that has been caught in time for stents to be placed, IBS w/constipation. There is a few more things but it is what it is.

        To help combat the constipation that is caused by my body and meds, my gastrologist suggested eating 1 yogurt a day with probiotics in it or get some probiotic supplements (pharmacy section of your store or online), then a soft food diet for a couple days. I do make sure I use something like Ensure, Boost or Carnation Breakfast Essentials (cheaper then the other two) for the added nutrition. This has worked for me for quite sometime. Eat smaller meals but more of them, giving my digestive system a chance to work and for me to BREATH BETTER!

        Have you talk the your pain management people on something you might be able to try or something that could prescribe?

        Thanks for the information on your up and coming surgery looks interesting and advancements that have been made, right!

        I would like to THANK YOU for your service then and now. Yes, you are still serving in my eyes with the exposure to A.O.

        Hope something helps you soon would hate to see what Poop looks like coming out of the ears. Mine is just to my eyes right now LOL

    2. Thank you for reaching out to me dltld.. It seems as if you are all alone, fighting these mental and physical battles. When in reality, you are in the company of many. A lot of your routines, my wife has already incorporated into my diets. I am appreciative of the recommendations on smaller, more often meals is an excellent suggestion. I am sure it must be trying with the multitude of doctors appointment's we both have.

      Added to the my issues was placing my 101 year old mom(102 in May) in a nursing home. That has been a nightmare and not getting better.

      About the up coming surgery, if it will take the pressure off of the nerve causing my sciatica, then I should be able to reduce the pain meds. I will definitely keep you posted.

      1. dltld Do you have a timeline on when the port will come out? I thought you were done. I hope soon!!

        My husband's grandmother was an avid quilter. I never met her but she made a quilt for each of her (many!) grandchildren. They even gave us one when we got married. Hopefully your little ones will love and treasure their quilt! You can get pretty creative with random scraps. 😀 -Melissa, copd team

      2. No timeline on the port. Doctor said we will play it by ear, next CT scan at the end of June. They like to leave them in for sometime after treatments are over just incase they are needed again, pending on your odds I guess. She said the healing time of putting one in is longer then the removeable, plus then the location too! Just have to go have it "flushed" no longer then every 8 weeks apart.
        As for the quilts, they are just real basic squares being attacked at random, just something for the little ones to have some fun with and take wherever they wish to take them. I made one for their mom and aunt when they were little, both still have those ragged things. I have crocheted them each a small baby afghan and will hopefully be able to make them larger one (queen size) for when they are older. That will be up to the body and it's issues at the time though LOL.
        Hope all is going well for you!

    3. Thank you Doris, I appreciate your recommendations. I would never thought about Caro syrup being a helper. My mom had me drink a glass of prune every day. It now belongs in a special category UGH!!! along with broccoli and a few choice other ones. I'm not a picky eater(my wife will disagree), just set in my ways. My wife, Deb and I discussed the 4 meals a day, and I am going try to make juggle my medical appointments to include the 4th meal into my day.
      The bottom line is you gotta try anything at least once before saying that won't work. Thanks again for reaching out to me. Joe

      1. Thank you both for your service, and . I am glad you have found 's input and insight so valuable. She is pretty amazing! - Lori (Team Member)

      2. I totally concur. Thank you Lori.

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