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Hello. I am new to this forum and recently diagnosed. Please help.

I would like some information on my PF report. Does anyone have FEV1 at 42.6 and FEF 25%-75% at 20.7? None of my Spirometry came back good, as well as, most of my Lung Volume tests. The only test that came back good are Diffusion. The notes read: Severe Airflow Obstruction". How serious are the test results? I don't feel sick. I walked a little more than 3 miles, some of the walk was on a 10-15 degree incline. I did fine. All I used was an Inhaler before the walk.

Honestly, this is scaring me. I've been through brain tumors and colon cancer in the past, but did not expect COPD.

  1. , I hear how scary and overwhelming this is for you. Have you had the chance to go over these results with your physician? Unfortunately, we can't offer medical advice over the internet (for your safety!) so they would definitely be the best person to talk to about your specific results but in the meantime here are some articles on the PF tests that might be helpful:, All the best, Sam S. (, team member).

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