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Has Anyone Ever Experienced a Rash...

I have developed this very strange and very itchy rash and when I looked in the mirror at my back this morning, it was almost exactly where the lungs would be. It is also on my shoulder area going down the chest to my arm pit.
I think because of the areas I thought maybe it could be connected, but I seriously think it is Excema related. I have never experienced this before so thought I would ask my COPD family.
I had a cold clammy kind of feeling on the chest and neck which was very red and this also is new.
My breathing is a bit more difficult but hard to tell as the weather keeps changing.
So, my question is has anyone else had this happen or is it just coincidence on the location of the rash? Thanks for any thoughts you might have and any suggestions to take care of it.

Ms. Merry1

  1. Hi Merry1, I have rash,s that flare up, I wondered if these rashes can be linked to copd aswell, but I also have Limited scleroderma, so I can get rashes with this also, I am basically one big rash. No really I have wondered can copd cause rash,s.X

    1. I am grateful I am not crazy thinking it could be related...even if not likely. I think because of where the rash is is what caused me to think about it. Thank you for your input. Big hugs to you...

  2. - When I get a rash (I have one now!), I usually chalk it up to one of two or three things: meds, weather, or food. I don't get many food reactions these days since my diet became seriously restricted. Weather this time of year is always a possibility. Tree pollen, grass, and whatnot in the air can be an issue, it certainly gets my sinuses going. The rash I have now is on both sides of my neck, and my upper left arm. Very itchy and burny on my arm but almost no bumps. On my neck it's burny and bumpy, no itching. Weird. However, I also go another Brown Recluse bite on my left forearm two weeks ago while cleaning out the floor of my closet. Lovely. It swelled up and got big and looked like a volcano. But it is gone now except for a bump. I do NOT like the spidey roommates! But this is Texas and it comes with the territory.
    All that said, the must frequent, or usual, culprit, is my meds. Among other side effects, rashes are definitely on that list. I take a lot of meds, and they constantly change, so it happens.

    1. Also Kloker, Thankyou for sticking by me, while all this got sorted out you are a good one.X

    2. Finally! I'm glad! It's about time. Using this totally old burnt out platform on this forum reminds me of my young days, when I was just starting out in life, newly married and dirt poor, and all we had was one beat up, worn down to the ground old junk heap car, which got us both to work for two years before we could upgrade a little. It got the job done, but every day it was some sort of problem or other.
      Add an obviously inadequate skeleton crew in the back-end department, and it's a recipe for constant trouble. Maybe someday they will replace it with a shiny new one and we will all be able to find everything and edit our posts and not have to drive the admins crazy with constant error problems.
      Anyway, I'm glad you are fully back up and running!! Now if only they could fix some of the other annoying glitches. Oh, well. Putt, putt, putt.

  3. Hi everyone. Just wanted to post an update on the 'rash' which my GP thinks is related to a reaction from meds that were changed. Only thing left now is to get rid of the itchiness! Going a little crazy with that.
    So yes...not related to our COPD. Thank you for the reply's. As always, so nice to meet new people here. It's a lonely world some days. 😀

    1. Thank you so much for the suggestion and helping me cope remotely with my loneliness. It means a lot.

    2. Hi again, Merry - I am happy to provide whatever assistance I can for you. My heart went/goes out to you especially, when I hear you speak about being lonely. That is truly one of the most challenging emotions to deal with when living with a chronic disease. We are all here for you in any capacity in which we can help.
      We have found (in the hospital and the home care settings), that sometimes, these cool compresses can actually lessen the itching that can be so troublesome.
      Please feel free to access our online community as often and, for as long as you like.
      Warmest regards,
      Leon (site moderator

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