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Grocery Shopping and COPD

How do you manage grocery shopping with COPD? Any tips or strategies to make the experience easier and more manageable?

  1. Misty,
    I go to the grocery store weekly with my wife. We go on Sunday mornings when the store is less crowded. We shop from the pharmacy end of the store to the other end of the store which makes the meat and produce departments the last section to shop through. When we get to that end of the store, I do not go through it. I go wait by the rotisserie chicken display (because it is warm) while my wife finishes the shopping. Keeping myself out of the cold end of the store helps me to make it all the way through with no problems. The cold air end of the store makes it hard for me to breathe, so I stay away from it. Since I exercise regularly, walking the store is not a problem for me. Just the cold end is a problem. I don't know what other suggestions I can give you because I really don't know what problems you are having while grocery shopping. Take care and God Bless!

    1. ,
      Hi Katylee, I am replying from south Central Texas. It gets way hot here in the summer also. Last summer was brutal. Over 70 days over 100 degrees. I cannot be out for long in the heat but can drive to the grocery store and get back home without any real problems. I am only outside for the time it takes to get out of the car and into the store and visa-versa coming back. Since I get back into the A/C, it is not too bad. My actual time out in the heat doing anything is 10-15 minutes at most and then I start having problems breathing. I don't get depressed about it; I just deal with it. Hope all is well with you. Take care and God Bless!

    2. I am glad you have that option, . It must be a huge relief when you don't have to battle the elements for groceries. Thanks for chiming in. Best of all wished. - Lori (Team Member)

  2. I do pick up or delivery.
    So much easier.
    No waiting in long lines. Or spending money on stuff I really don't need.
    I do agree with having a video go down the aisles.
    Other stores also offer besides grocery.
    Too bad it took covid for this.

    1. I go occasionally but since covidmy husband does the shopping for me .clothes shopping I do online but my husband does a lot more for me than shopping as the cleaning causes me big problems just putting bleach in the toilet makes me cough

      1. please don't use bleach or any strong cleaning products try to use organic or vinagar and water

      2. Any tips for clothes shopping online? I keep trying but inevitably the fit is bad or it doesn't look like the picture ... and then I'm left with having to take it to the store or the post office which defeats shopping online.

        Also, since you mentioned bleach gives you trouble, you might like this article with some other, gentler options:

        You can find others by searching for "cleaning" in the upper left part of the site. Hope that helps! -Melissa, copd team

    2. It is necessary for me to have grocery delivery. Every few months, I can pick up a few items at a store. I am happy and delighted to see all of my options and buy exactly what I want. It's one of my rare pleasures.

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