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Getting A Good Night Sleep

Hello - been using CPAP off and on for the past two months. Unable to get a good night sleep, maybe 4/5 hours top. Any tips on ow to get a good night sleep.

Thank You

  1. Getting used to using CPAP can take some time. Sometimes people have to try several different masks before finding one they can use comfortably. Have you discussed this with your doctor? There may be some changes that can be made that will help you. Please keep us updated on how you're doing. April - Team

    1. That's exactly what I am going through now, trying different masks and you are right it is taking some time to get use to.

      1. I just completed my home sleep study and will likely get the results after the holidays, but my RT has recommended me for a bi-pap machine. I will likely struggle with it too, especially as I sleep on my stomach and also am claustrophobic, meaning I don't tolerate well the use of a mask. So that'll be fun! But my sleep is exceedingly messed up, so any help at all will be a huge improvement, so I am looking forward to it and will be following this discussion.

        1. Glad to hear it. The fitment, as you say, is so very important. Once the interface (mask), is comfortable, the rest will come with some degree of trial and error and possibly more fine tuning. Once you are set - keep at it - you will get there!!
          Please do check back and keep us posted as to your progress.
          Good luck!!
          Leon (site moderator

        2. I am the same when I try to sleep. I am very claustrophobic I start freaking out with the mask don't strapped down. EMTs came to my house and tried to strap me in a chair to get me to their vehicle and my husband I was not having that done. I fought off 2 EMTs and I got free. So I could use some answers too.

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