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Fever and end stage COPD

  1. I have a fever of 99.5 most of the time I feel like I'm burning up from the inside out but now have a slight fever. I'm on palliative care now instead of hospice and I refuse to give up!

    1. I am still giggling about one of our new members referring to me as "chickpeas!" Very cute. Doing fine, hope you are the same. I always enjoy hearing from you.

    2. Hi again, whirledpeas - so nice to have you posting again. I, too, got a chuckle out of the 'chickpeas' reference - a 'laugh out loud' sort of chuckle!
      Yes, I am doing well, dealing with everything that comes my way as best as I can. I do always feel better when you and I have had a conversation here!
      Be well!!
      Leon (site moderator

  2. Thank you! I've learned how to be my own health advocate and I know I can be of some help here sincerely,
    Susan E.✌❤

    1. Chickpeas I've been dealing with this for almost 10 years I have no intention of giving u!❤

      1. That's what it takes!

    2. I meant whirlpeas sorry 😂 I'm never giving up

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