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End stage

I often wonder how hard it is going to be when I die , am I going to fight for my very last breath ? As everyone on this site knows gasping for every breath is hard , do they give you something to ease your suffering , does anyone know what to expect?

  1. You bring up a great question. And while it is a difficult topic to think and talk about, it is an important one. And this is something that you can talk to your doctor about. Your doctor can talk to you about what to expect. And, When it gets to that point, what do you want to have done. Some people choose to go on comfort care and others hospice. In either case, you may be prescribed medications to help make you comfortable -- if this is what you choose. So, there are different options for you. We also have some articles on this topic, such as the one linked to above. Is this the type of response you were hoping for. John. community moderator.

  2. I don’t know what response I was looking for , more or less wondering out loud

    1. This is a scary road we are all on , I am not afraid of death I am afraid of my path to get there sometimes it seems insurmountable.

      1. when that time comes, set yourself up w Hospice. They will give you meds to ease your anxiety and you'll probably just go in and out and sleep. They are not there to kill you, but to bring you comfort and manage your pain.
        Death itself is easy, but none of us want to die gasping for air. Start the preparation for that time to come; just a conversation w a local hospice, allow them to tell you about the process when your disease has become so unmanageable and so scary.
        You'll be ok if you know "when" to call and "who" to call when the time comes.
        Familiarize yourself now, rather than later and, if you have family or a nurse or a social worker, let them know your wishes.
        Be well and try not to focus on the worse possible scenario.
        God bless.

        1. thank you I will do that

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