I'm writing this as a way to validate my choices in dealing with a diagnosis of COPD...
I was diagnosed with COPD several months ago. Went through the tests and was prescribed the inhalers. Since that time I have had the opportunity to learn about the symptoms, treatments and quality of life. I've learned a lot from reading the posts here and just wanted to say thank you to all those who have shared their experiences.
So, I have taken this new knowledge and have made some decisions, that for me, has made my future more palatable.
At present, I am doing ok. My lungs are relatively clear but I do get winded more easily, my blood/oxygen levels are a little low. Though I won't be going out to drop trees for my firewood anymore, I can still work on those things that are enjoyable. And no... processing my firewood isn't one of those things on my enjoyable list.
I have decided that my recent endoscopy will be my last, along with my upcoming CT Scan and spirometry test. Ignorance is bliss, so they say. I will continue to enjoy life and accomplish those things I have deemed important and I will continue to do what I can to stay healthy for as long as possible. I have always put quality over quantity and will continue to live within that parameter during this journey.
To those of you who are in the later stages, your struggles, determination and your courage is an inspiration to many. To those who are just beginning this journey, I wish you peace of mind and success in meeting your challenges.