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I am a COPD/Emphysema patient and I was using Breo ellipta and it was working and at $50 a refill that was expensive enough. Then it was raised to $100 and then I lost my insurance and even with the pharmacy discount it is now $309.00 and that was the lowest price I've found. I have asked for samples and the Dr said that they don't have anything for COPD which really put me in a corner. why are the meds so expensive. Anyone that has any advice?

  1. Have you contacted the company that makes the medication, sometimes they have programs to reduce the cost.

    1. , I hear how difficult it is to afford COPD medications. It is so frustrating that they are so expensive. Here are a few articles we have that have some resources that you may find helpful:,, All the best, Sam S. (, team member).

      1. ,
        This sounds too familiar. My COPD inhalers are very expensive. I do not have prescription insurance. Symbicort is 400+ dollars a month. Proair runs around 80 per month. So as usual, my wife and I make just a bit too much to qualify and not enough to be able to actually afford it. I am retired on SS and my wife works fulltime. My doctor had me apply for a Prescription Assistance Program through the local hospital where he works. Somehow, they managed to get me accepted for a year at the cost of 15 dollars a month. Hopefully when the year is up, I can re-qualify, or the doctor will have to find different, affordable inhalers. I know the FDA approved generic Symbicort, but when it comes to market, remains to be seen. CharleyTuna has good advice, contact the manufacturer and see if they have an assistance program. Good Luck and hang in there.

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