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Hi, I just feel like talking today about things I've been thinking about. I was diagnosed with COPD in 2005 right after I finally stopped smoking. I smoked for 40 yrs. & I knew what I was doing to myself, I watched my father, my mother in law, my brother in law & my husband die from lung disease. So I know exactly what is going to happen to me eventually. But I don't dwell on it, but every once in a while, like today, I do think about it. But I'm doing pretty good lately, no serious flares, my daughter & son in law have moved in so that has been a huge help. My granddaughter starts her senior year of college & has been successfully planning her future. So I have much to be thankful for. And thank you for allowing me to share when needed.

  1. trevose,
    There is always something to be thankful for. Keep that good attitude up and it will help your general health a lot. Glad to hear family is there helping you out. Keep being thankful and good things will come your way Take care and God Bless!

    1. Thank you Dminor9

      1. I was diagnosed in 2000, but I know I had COPD in 1985 and probably even before that. I took control of my COPD then, lost a lot of weight and developed an exercise habit. I also became a COPD advocate, working with the ALA and the COPD Foundation, speaking at meetings and conferences prior to COVID and virtually after that. Learning about COPD and helping others learn is gratifying and important. I'm also involved in several research projects as part of the Executive Committee (planning how the study will be done and overseeing the activities involved in the study). I encourage anyone who is interested in learning more about research to get in touch with me.

        1. We appreciate your efforts at advocacy. Getting the word out and bringing awareness for those that suffer is so important. There are so many people that don't understand and only learn when awareness is introduced, Thank you for doing what you do. We appreciate you. Barbara Moore (Moderator)

      2. Wow a granddaughter finish her Senior Year in college! That is great and to have the daughter and son-law with you on top of it, lucky man. I do believe even though we have mostly positive thoughts, every once in a while we have to go down that dark road to really see how lucky we are, kind of a little reminder so to speak. You keep at the positive as much as possible for it's the best thing you can do for yourself and family. We are all here with you! Thank you so much for sharing and reminding how lucky I am, my grandbabies are very young so everyday I am able to chat or see them is what I live for! Hoping to hear when that granddaughter graduates from college this next Spring........

        1. thanks for your thoughtful words, but one little thing, I'm a lucky woman, lol. take care of you dltld.

        2. My bad, sorry! I too an a woman, just in case LOL Hugs to you! Doris

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