I definitely don't understand why some doctors do stage of copd and some doctors don't is there a reason for this and in the copd community we learn there are different stages so what am I missing her and thank you for your time and help
Leon Lebowitz, RRT Member
Hi Michelle - thanks for posting your concern and question here, it is a good one! In my experience, I have found that some doctors do actually stage COPD for each of their patients. Still others prefer to treat their patients based on their clinical presentation, narrative, and reported symptoms.
There is nothing to indicate that either approach is better - it seems to be a professional (and personal), choice of each doctor. Some doctors actually speak with their patient about the patient's preference and they then collaborate together.
Do you have any thoughts about this? Have you had an opportunity to discuss this with your own private physician?
Wishing you well,
Leon (site moderator COPD.net)
michelleforsythe Member
Leon Lebowitz, RRT Member
If he is not agreeable to your concerns, would you consider looking for an alternate physician?
If there is anything we can assist you with, please let me or any other moderator / team member know. You are always welcome here in our online community.
All the best,
Leon (site moderator COPD.net)
Phyliss DiLorenzo Member
I was diagnosed with COPD nearly 8 years ago. In those 8 years I have had only pulmonary function tests (PFT). A PFT determines determines your stage among other data. My doctor and I agree that unless there has been a change in my symptoms, there is no need to test again. As for stages, my pulmonologist, has never mentioned a stage, but I figured it out myself, being an informed parent, and a COPD Foundation State Captain/Advocate.
I have since come to realize that getting hung up on stages and numbers does me no good. Many doctors are reluctant to mention stages, as they do not often reflect how much a person can do, as there is more than FEV-1/FVC that determines how well one can function through their normal daily activities. Even GOLD is considering doing without staging for COPD!
Phyliss DiLorenzo Member
Is it possible the COPD was a misdiagnosis?
Melissa.Arnold Community Admin
michelleforsythe Member
He just doesn't do the stages of copd and told me that there was no such thing as lung percentage but medical files say something different I had to make a complaint on his website so he would even check my oxygen levels and now he is doing this but there is always someone higher than what he is if I have to do this again I Walk out of his office not Knowing much about me and the communication has to get better and it starts with me thank you for your time and help I really appreciate you. are lives matter
Melissa.Arnold Community Admin