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Copd components

Is allergic bronchitis a part of COPD ? I have continuous mucus since 2021. After asking my pulmonologist she said it’s not copd but it can lead to Asthama. I’m 21 y/0 never smoked. But I’m very much confused..

  1. ,
    Allergic bronchitis is exactly what it sounds like. The bronchial tubes in your lungs are reacting to some type of allergen in your environment. This allergen (whatever it is), is causing the mucus buildup in your lungs. Once you get rid of the allergen (dust, pet dander, pet hair, pollen, etc.), your symptoms should subside. I am no doctor, so I am merely speaking from what I have researched on the subject. If you need a better explanation to ease your mind, contact your pulmonologist and ask whatever questions you can to get an answer you understand. Take care and God Bless.

    1. Hi vaishna, and thanks for your post - you've brought up an interesting concern! I see our community colleague, , has already commented and I agree with his suggestion of having a further discussion with your physician.
      In the meantime, to help with your confusion, I thought you might gain some insight from an article, published right here on, which focuses on the connection between allergies and COPD. Here is a link for your convenience: I am hopeful you will find this information is helpful for you to read.
      If there is anything (else) we can assist you with, please let me or any other moderator / team member know.
      Wishing you well,
      Leon (site moderator

      1. Hi Vaishnavi! Have you been exploring allergic bronchitis with your pulmonologist? I'm curious to know more about what you've been experiencing so that maybe we can give you some more resources. You may also want to visit our friends at and ask them for input as well, if you think that fits your situation. Regardless, I'm glad you're here. Hopefully we can help answer some of your questions. 😀 Be well. -Melissa, team

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