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COPD and emphysema ?

Has anybody else been diagnosed with COPD and emphysema?

  1. Hi . COPD is actually an umbrella term that includes several different chronic lung diseases, including emphysema. Emphysema is among the most common diseases referred to as COPD. Here is an article that explains it better than I can: Are you newly diagnosed? Wishing you the best. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. I have COPD with chronic bronchitis and emphysema. I wish you the best too.

      1. Yes

        1. I also have emphysema as well as asthma
          mine is chronic emphysema which is stage 3 here in Canada = stage 4 in United States
          here it's mild, moderate an severe so 3 stage as opposed to the U S 4 stage.
          Have it for few years now and certainly not pleasant but we must plow on best we can.
          Finally broke down an ordered a wheelchair [not electric] from Amazon as any more then 30 steps and I am gasping for air, not on oxygen yet... I drive by mostly sit in the car while wife gets her stuff, Now with the new chair I can get about easier hopefully [never had one before] as trips to the specialist Doc 's an such at the hospitals are daunting, doing the parking lot walk to elevators then down what seems like miles of hall ways just to get to office is for me very stressful, just as bad as taking a bath before i am syked up for one [ though the bath is easier cuz it's on my terms when i feel ok an plan 4 it] with doc's it's appointments an specialist get very cranky if you cancel or show late etc. So hoping the chair will make a big difference, Have terminal cancer as well prostrate so lots of test doc's appointments , blood draws, ct mri scans operations etc, plus the pumiologist an reg G P. visits... thus the chair.... lots words to answer a simple question,
          welcome to the group.

          1. Sounds like you're going to have some fun! I don't have COPD, but I have been disabled since birth. I use a walker all the time. But there was one summer when I was recovering from surgery that I used a manual wheelchair. I was TERRIBLE at it! So slow. That's why I say to be patient ... there can be a learning curve! Good luck and stay cool! -Melissa, team member

          2. Thanks for the heads up Melissa in regards to being patient with the
            'learning to be a wheelchair spin master'
            I drive both stick an auto for years , some of my trucks /cars had no power steering windows etc all was done by 'armstrong /hand, have ridden a bike, a motorcycle, rode horses, drove tractors, go carts, golf carts
            so I feel I can master a chair before my doc's meet on Aug 12th..
            if not may have to drag the wife along an have her push me
            "she loves to push me, my buttons, my patience my limits lol
            Sincerely Ian

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