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I have not been diagnosed as yet but I’m getting some of the symptoms such as a cough and fatigue. I have been diagnosed with CLL in 2014. My Doctor has mentioned COPD to me but hasn’t said I have it. What should I expect if diagnosed.

  1. I guess the first thig would be chat with your doctor and get diagnosed or not. What to expect is different for everyone, just depends on each individuals needs. Early stages you might get some meds, inhalers for ER use, Inhaler for "maintaince" and recommendation to seek pulmunary rehab. Avoid things that bother you, smells, chemicals, smoke of any kind, exhaust from vehicles etc.... Please see your doctors though the sooner of knowing is better then the constant wondering.

    1. Hi . Welcome to the community. offers some good advice, as always. Better to get evaluated and know what you are dealing with for sure. Here is an article about the diagnostic process that might interest you: I hope you don't have COPD, but please know you are not alone if you are diagnosed. We have other member with COPD and CLL and still more with other cancers or comorbidities. Please keep us posted if you don't mind. Thinking of you. - Lori (Team Member)

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