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Humid or Dry - I'm Confused

I'm confused as to where it is better for COPD to live/be in a humid or arid environment.

I have read articles indicating that arid AND humid climates are better. I have read articles that clearly favor one over the other. I have had knowledgeable people tell me that using a humidifier and/or vaporizer will improve breathing. I have had equally knowledgeable people suggest that I move to Arizona and/or use an air DEhumidifier.

It seems fairly clear that the best choice can't be both humid AND arid. Or, could it?

Does anyone have thoughts or guidance?

  1. , I hear how confusing this all is! When it comes to climate, it really is dependent on the individual. Some people feel better in humid warm places and others enjoy less humid and warm and some enjoy the cold! It takes some trial and error to figure it out. I'm sure others in our community will chime in with their specific experience! All the best, Sam S. (, team member).

    1. I believe it all depends on the individual body's preference due to acclimatization over a lifetime. I am an excellent example. I was born and raised in various locations on the Equator, as a military brat. Born in Manila (Clark AFB - where they make those envelopes!) and raised in the Panama Canal Zone (Albrook AFB - where Panama Hats come from!). Then I finished growing up mostly in Amarillo, Tx (AAFB - Commanche Country!, and have spent most of the rest of my life in Austin, Tx (also COmmanche Country!). So, I began in hot humid climates and progressed to hot and dry, then back to hot and humid. I simply cannot cope with cold, at all. Any cold at all is too cold for me. Now that I am old I cannot take the heat like I could when I was young, and my temp range/comfort zone is very limited with COPD now. Also, I've had a range of always varying allergies over my life, which also has an effect, as does the wind! Nowadays, it's too hot and humid in summer and too cold and dry in winter, with too many allergies and too much wind in spring and fall. It's a hodgepodge of constantly changing conditions and my body's reactions change accordingly.

      Is there a set answer for anyone? I doubt it, really. I just deal with today - it's all I can do.

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