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Can't afford health insurance.

What are we supposed to do when we can't even afford health insurance anymore? I've been without it since Feb. I had a hospital stay in Jan and was able to get a few samples of things but now have run out. I just found a coupon for 1free inhaler but don't know what I'll do after its gone. Also, don't know what I'll do when my nebulizer med is gone. Also have no way to get new cpap supplies. Don't want to end up back in the hospital. By the way, I'm still working as well. I can't work as much as I'd like because my health is bad in other areas as well. My doctors told me 5+ years ago to go on disability and I did apply on a couple different occasions but never followed through when turned down. Both my children have disabilities and I was always doing for tgem and let myself fall by the wayside. Happy that they're both now receiving their benefits but now the wait time is at least 2yrs or more. That's very frustrating. Plus with my brain fog I can't really remember a lot of details about past work/school so I'm scared to try and re-apply. Anyone have any suggestions for my situation? I'd greatly appreciate.

  1. Hi conbib -

    My heart goes out to you and your situation. Sadly, your story isn't unique and seems to be a bit of a commentary on the experience of many with chronic illnesses.

    I'm sure I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, but please be persistent in applying for disability - even those that have been turned down in the past will often finally get approved as their illness progresses. It will take the support of your physician, but it sounds like you have a doctor that's on board with that already.

    I hope others that have gone through this will be able to add words of advice for you. Here's the links to a couple of articles that you may find helpful:

    I wish you success!

    Lyn (moderator)

    1. hi! You really should apply for both social Security disability and SSI benefits. If you're approved for SSDI, you'd be entitled to Medicare 24 months after the date they determined you became disabled. If you're approved for SSI, you'd be entitled to Medicaid. Have you applied for Medicaid? If not, you really should. If ypu go to apply for SSA benefits make sure to take a copy of your medical records so they can be scanned into your folder, make sure you keep any appointments they schedule for you and don't get an attorney for your initial filing, and fill out and return any paperwork they may send to you. I wish you good luck during this difficult time for you.

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