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Blood pressure

Im 59 with moderate copd , my blood pressure is high im currently taking almlodopine 10mg but I'm worried my blood pressure is still reading 145 over 90 is this classed as a good reading for someone with copd. Many thanks smithy

  1. I know you probably won't love this answer but... we don't know. He he. It's just too difficult to diagnose something over the Internet without any medical professionals involved to see you in person. Me, personally, I live somewhere around 80/60, fairly low - low enough to make nurses go, "umm, are you ok?" My relative, though, on the other hand, lives at like 135/90, and that's high but normal for them. I think your best bet would be to visit a physician, preferably one that knows your case, and see what they think and, as always, if you are experiencing chest pain, arm tingling, headaches, or anything acute like that, it might be worth heading to an urgent care or the ER today. Let us know if there's anything besides that we can do to help, and if you would like to read more here is an article about heart issues that can arise with COPD: Keep on keepin' on, DPM

    1. ,
      I am 70 and have stage 2 COPD. My blood pressure since being diagnosed with COPD was always around 145/85. My pulmonologist was not worried about it as long as it stayed there. Last April my BP shot up to 194/104 and stayed there. I went to the ER and they gave me some meds and told me to follow up with my doctor. I followed up with my doctor and I was put on Amlodipine 5 mg / day. My blood pressure ever since has been averaging 117/ 75 and staying there. No matter what the heart association says and the medical people say, everyone's health is individual to themselves. In my opinion, it is impossible to expect everyone to have BP at 120/80. Since we are all individual, that will never happen. Everyone's BP is going to be specific to them. As we age, our arteries and veins harden and it takes higher BP to move blood thru them. As long as you feel ok, your doctor is ok with it and it does not go way up into the 190's etc. , I would not worry about. Of course this is just my thoughts on it. I am in no way a doctor or medically certified to make any kind of diagnoses. It is just my opinion and how I would look at the situation as you describe it. As daniel.malito said above, if you have any of the symptoms he described, please seek medical help right away. Take Care and God Bless!

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