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Beta blockers - anyone else on them?

When had covid got off most blood pressure meds, cause bp was low and made me real tired. Then just walking to bathroom, heart rate went up to 100, so Heart doc put me on 5mg bisoprolol, a beta blocker. It has dropped my heart rate. Now I'm averaging about 60 all the time. His NP says that's fine, I asked her if a low pulse was hindering me getting oxygen to my lungs, (and to the rest of my body) but she said no. She said 60 - 80 is good.

  1. I am right now struggling to adjust to them. I am on Metoprolol 50 mg twice a day. It is helping my blood pressure come down nicely, but the cost is significant, as I am having all the side effects. I am severely dizzy, nauseous, drowsy/foggy, spaced out, no appetite, very sick at my stomach. But my heart rate is under 60 and my bp is way down, under 120 even, which it has not been in a long time. I expect I will get used to the effects and they will mostly subside. It's good news as we've been trying to get it down for months. I am drinking milk to help soothe my stomach.

    1. I'm on 100mg of Losartan too!

    2. Things are settling down now a little with my nausea but the dizziness, the stomach ache, and fog/drowsiness/sleepiness are still a problem. It should lessen over the next week or two though. The Losartan by itself was not enough, but now, combined with the Metoprolol, is giving me the readings of a kid! BP and pulse both are excellent. And the Losartan does not cause the edema that the Amlodipine did. I am on a mild diuretic but I'm good now on that.

  2. Update: Things are gradually smoothing out now, as my stomach is giving me less trouble, though it's not completely gone yet. It is better. The dizziness and foggy drowsiness are not better yet. But I am able to eat. So, there's that.

    1. , glad to hear you are able to eat! I'm hoping that the dizziness and other symptoms go away soon. If not, do you have a visit with your visiting nurse or doctor soon that you can talk to them about this? It has been going on for quite a bit now. All the best, Sam S. (, team member).

    2. Hi kloker - correct me if I'm wrong, but is the first recent post of yours speaking to stomach issues, foggy drowsiness and some level of dizziness?
      If you are (now) able to eat, then perhaps the stomach issues are resolving on their own. But, I am concerned about you feeling dizzy and somewhat foggy, too.
      If this continues or, even gets worse, you may want to reach out for your doctor or (as ) suggested, the nurse who visits you.
      What do you think?
      Leon (site moderator

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