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Ashmatic but diagnosed with COPD

Treatment is currently on duolin nabs 3x a day with ashtavent and baclate it seems like its not really helping much his short of breath wheezing chest very congestive he can't even wash himself can someone advise what to do

  1. Hello , thank you for reaching out. I hear how overwhelmed you feel with your loved one's COPD diagnosis on top of his asthma. It is so hard to watch a loved one struggle to breathe and navigate daily tasks. I would encourage you to reach out to his doctor and explain the symptoms you are observing. It may be that they need to try a different treatment approach. There are many different mediations that can be prescribed for COPD. Sometimes it takes some trial and error to find what is best for each person's unique body. The important thing is to keep advocating for him and communicating with the doctor until they find the best treatment approach for him.

    Showering is a task that can be very challenging with COPD. He is not alone struggling to wash himself. The build-up of steam in the bathroom, and the amount of energy washing takes can be very difficult with compromised lungs. We have several articles about showering that you might like to look through that explain more about why it is difficult and offer some tips for making it easier. Ventilating the bathroom as much as possible and having a shower chair are two things that can make a big difference!

    How are you doing? Being a caregiver can feel overwhelming and exhausting. Try to remember to take some time each day to care for yourself as well. Know that we are here to listen when you need support or have questions. This community has a wealth of resources for learning about COPD. Reach out anytime! Wishing you a gentle day. ~Allyson ( team)

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