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Anyone have ground glass show up in CT ?scan ?

My lungs show a ground glass haze at the base of both lungs.

  1. Hi . That must have been scary for you to see. Have you seen your doctor since the CT scan? If so, what has your doctor said? From what I understand, that haze simply means an area of increased density in the lungs. It can mean any number of things from pneumonia to multiple other lung disorders. Do you have a COPD diagnosis? Hopefulluy, others with more knowledge with jump in here. Thinking of you and wishing you the best. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. Hi. Thank you for your question. It's understandable to have concerns when seeing ground glass haze on a CT scan of the lungs. As a respiratory therapist, I frequently encounter CT scans, although I defer to radiologists for detailed interpretation.

      As Lori mentioned earlier, ground glass haze can indicate various conditions, including infections from bacteria, viruses, or fungi, among others. It's essential to consider this result alongside other tests like blood work or sputum samples. For instance, elevated white blood cell counts might suggest an infection.

      To gain a clearer understanding tailored to your situation, I encourage you to discuss these findings with your doctors. They can provide a comprehensive explanation and recommend appropriate steps forward. Please feel free to ask any more questions you may have—we're here to support each other. Best Regards. John. community moderator

      1. Thank you

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