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Does anyone here take them? Do they help? I am seriously considering getting my GP to prescribe some for me.

  1. John,
    Just out of curiosity, why do you think you need antidepressants? Wouldn't it be a better idea to figure out why you feel depressed and address the depressive feelings there instead of another pill to take? I apologize for my 2 cents on this. My last 5 1/2 years working before retirement, I worked QA for a pharmaceutical company in San Diego. After being involved with clinical trial materials, batch records, manufacturing processes, formulas and procedures to make the drugs we take, I am very against taking any pharmaceutical, if possible, for various reasons. Unfortunately, because of the NDA's required to work for Big Pharma, discussing these reasons is not possible. I know having COPD and being tied down to being inside a lot and possibly being more alone than you are used to can be depressing as hell. I combat that with some hobbies, so I have a sense of accomplishment daily. I exercise daily, which helps physically and mentally. I play video games so when I get aggravated and fed up, I go fight some monsters and conquer mysteries to relax me a bit. I also use CBD oil with a small amount of Delta 9 and this also helps relax me. I just hate to see the answer to anything these days be another "miracle" way overpriced drug. Just my 2 cents. Take care and God Bless!

    1. Hi John, I take anti depressants, been on them quite a few years now, I was put on them to help with my mood, as I suffer with pain and aches due to illness. They do help well me anyway just to keep them feelings of being really low as things can get you down coping with things like copd e.t.c. To keep them spirits up if needed.X

      1. YES, I have been taking antidepressants since 1996, what a great relief they have been! If you feel you are in need, seek help, starting with your General Practice Doctor is good and he / she will direct you from there. Please keep in mind that the AD drugs are the same as any other, there is not one that fits all, it might take a few to try to find the one that best works for you. Many I tried can take a couple weeks to 30 days to get in to your system where you might notice a difference. I feel very fortunate to have the "drug" to help me all these years. It is getting time here for me to double up my meds (doctors aware) for "Seasonal Affective Disorder" , darn those dark winter months LOL . There are many reasons people become or are depressed from Chronic Illness, Trauma of many types to Chemical Imbalances in the brain, best thing to do is seek help. I wish you the best, you are not alone out here!

        1. Hi John, while we cannot offer medical advice on our site (for your safety!), I know that many in our community have been prescribed anti-depressants and found them helpful; some of those members have already commented in this thread! I think reaching out to your doctor and having a frank conversation with them about if they are right for you is a great idea. We are here to offer you any support we can! Wishing you a peaceful day. All the best, Sam S. (COPD team)/

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