Leon, I read your answer to Brucifer's question. I was curious as to what it is and if it is useful for all stages and capabilities.
Lyn Harper, MPA, BSRT, RRT, AE-C Member
Last Updated:
Hi PhylissD - An Aerobika is an oscillating positive expiratory pressure (PEP) device. As you exhale through it your airways are opened and a vibration occurs that helps to loosen mucous. They're actually very effective.
Lyn (site moderator)
Leon Lebowitz, RRT Member
Last Updated:
Hi PhylissD and thanks for your question. I see that Lyn has provided a good explanation to address your inquiry. I think you'll find this article provides a little bit more insight into these types of devices:https://copd.net/living/strategies-improving-cough/. I hope you find Lyn's response and the article to be of help. All the best, Leon (site moderator)