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Advanced emphysema

I have about 1/3 lung capacity, am chronically short of breath and have also been chronically lightheaded which no Dr can figure out. I can barely walk 15 feet to the bathroom. I’m pretty much homebound except to get myself to a Dr appt. Been on the same inhaler which gives me lots of side effects and no noticeable relief. I was told they’re pretty much all the same. I was evaluated for surgery but I’m not a good candidate. Did pulmonary and vestibular rehab and no improvement. Is there anything else out there that anyone can recommend I take, do or try? Lots of other health issues and symptoms as well. Not getting any answers from tests I’ve had done and I’m very scared of the really poor quality of my life now which will just get worse . Any help or advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

  1. Have you got home oxygen

    1. my Dr said I don’t need it since my oxygen levels are usually in the normal range. Yet I can barely breathe. It makes no sense to me how they can be in the normal range. I only use Breo and get no relief from it. My Dr is dismissive with me and I have an appt with a new one in a few weeks . Fingers crossed!!

    2. Hi Kitt, and thanks for joining in the conversation here. For some folks with COPD, oxygen saturation levels can be clinically normal, and yet they are still experiencing shortness of breath (SOB), and/or difficulty breathing, sometimes referred to as dyspnea. You are definitely not alone in this regard! Others in the community have expressed similar concerns about this aspect of their COPD diagnosis.
      There can be several (medical) reasons for feeling this way. I thought you might find it both interesting and helpful to look over this question and answer review from the COPD Foundation:,are%20actually%20low%20on%20breath.
      Although this is from several years ago, the reasons and explanations remain true for today! I think you'll get the idea of the reasoning after reading a few of the responses - they are all very valid. Their application will depend on one's particular overall medical condition.
      This may give you some good talking points for your new physician. I will wish you 'good luck!' with your upcoming appointment. Please do check back and let us know how this all turns out for you.
      Wishing you well,
      Leon L (author/moderator)

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