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Abroad with oxygen

Morning all
My dad was diagnosed with COPD 3 years ago and really struggles. Hospital and GP have been more than useless and he still spends most of his days inside out of breath making lots of noise.
He's only 72 and I'd love for him and mum to get some sunshine. Does anyone know or been abroad with their oxygen? he's all but ruled it out. Just a week in the sunshine. He's worried about getting the oxygen on the plane. Any tips or is it a no go

  1. Hi . How wonderful that your father has you for support. I wish he had more support from his medical team though. Does he have a pulminonoloist? If not, he might want to ask for a referral. He really should be under a pulminonoloist's care. It is certainly possible to travel abroad with COPD, though it can take a lot of planning. Here is an article about traveling with COPD that might interest you: Would he be open to starting with a smaller trip, maybe a domestic vacation that doesn't involve flying? It might be easier for him to ease into it, especially if he is struggling so much at home. Is this rreally about the oxygen or do you think there are there other fears that he has not expressed? Hopefully, other members will chime in here with some of their own travel experiences. I hope this helps. Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

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