Hi Everyone,
My mum was diagnosed with copd 20 years ago. Up until a year ago she only just started to be physically effected by it. In January this year she had an exacerbation and they said she'd be lucky to make it through the night. Well she did make it and now we have district nurses and palliative care helping me care for her after telling us she had months left. Slowely but surely after several courses of steroids and what i would say non serious exacerbations her resting oxygen levels now sit at 80/81%. She has been confused these past couple.days and her left foot has swollen with pain.
Can anyone tell me what their experience of this disease is? I have emotional whiplash from the coming and goings of "is this it" i have seen her physically waste away in front of my eyes, i am with her daily whilst working and juggling the kids. I guess my aim is to just try and relax a bit, i'm scared stiff.