Straight From the Community: Results from the Sixth Annual COPD In America SurveyIt is estimated that more than 250 million people worldwide have COPD and over 65 million of them have moderate to severe cases. In an effort to better understand the...Bookmark for later
What Is it Like to Live With COPD? – Results From the 2019 COPD In America SurveyMore than 2,000 people with COPD participated in our COPD In America survey to share more about life with the condition. Respondents opened up about their diagnosis journey, their relationships...Bookmark for later
Coping With COPD Flare-Ups61% of respondents indicated in the 2018 In America survey that they want information on coping with COPD flare-ups. Kevin shares information on how he handles and avoids flare-ups from...Bookmark for later
Fatigue: The Silent SymptomWhile dyspnea (labored or shortness of breath) is often the most experienced, and most recognized, symptom of COPD, fatigue, or lack of energy, is frequently cited as an even more...Bookmark for later
What Is a Quality Life?Often on these pages, we talk about working with your doctor to develop strategies for improving the overall quality of your life so you can live better and longer with...Bookmark for later
COPD Can Be Debilitating, Frustrating, and DevastatingCOPD has an impact on both physical and mental health. Symptoms can be frustrating and often get in the way of everyday life. It is exhausting and emotionally draining to...Bookmark for later