To work or not

I've been being treated for COPD for almost eight years, I just turned 61. I recently began seeing a pulmonary MD back in August at the request of my Primary Dr. I've had several Spirometry tests over the years, CT scans and arterial blood gas tests. My lung Dr told me this week that my stage is 3, and that my lung volume is 30%. I work full time as an office manager for a media company. It is becoming increasingly harder to get through each day. I am on a plethora of medication, as most of us are. As well as oxygen at night. Doing my very best, no that's not true. I'm struggling to quit smoking. My primary Dr suggested I go to oxygen 24/7. Because I need the medical insurance I hesitate to go to long term disability (which my company offers) or SSD. I don't know how to proceed. Has anyone else been in this position and can offer some insight?

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