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Looks like I may have COPD

A couple of months ago I had this cough that got worse, developed into a hacking cough, gradually got better after a couple of weeks...but never completely went. I've had a flare-up, my first. It happened after six weeks of pretty extreme stress with learning that my ex had cancer.

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This flare-up (now I know what to call it) began with the same hacking cough as before, then it got much worse, I couldn't even speak I was so out of breath. I phoned NHS direct, the doctor said to take over-the-counter cough meds, which did loosen the phlegm...but I kept on coughing and coughing, and feeling exhausted just doing simple things, coughing up endless amounts of phlegm, and wheezing. I thought it would get better, like before, but as it didn't, yesterday I visited out local walk-in centre. Doc examined me and pronounced 'your chest's in a mess'! Prescribed steroid tablets and antibiotics, and said I needed to see my own GP for further tests.

So, here I am - new to this disease, and just beginning to find out about it.
Hello everyone! Oh by the way, I've never smoked, and I always thought I was so healthy.

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