Iron Deficiency

I read ‘Mary Ultes’ story on how she still managed her life even with COPD. She showed so much courage over her last years.

Sleep apnea, COPD, and heart surgery

In 2004, hospital doctors diagnosed me with sleep apnoea. Then later that year with COPD, and I had a heart operation. The surgeon inserted two stents... that experience was my wake-up call. I stopped smoking and heavy drinking. I still enjoyed the odd pint. I would not have that had it not been for our NHS Doctors and Medical staff, they are great.

From the information above, you would know that I am British; I live in London, born in 1939.

Despite these conditions, something else was going on

Like ‘Mary Ultes’ I too look and ask many questions from specialised Doctors because, it is not always COPD that is to blame for breathlessness. This I discovered in 2019, I had breathing and lack of energy problems during that year. Doctors would not give me oxygen at home, because my blood oxygen levels are good.

My breathing problems weren't caused by COPD

Nevertheless in September last year, I was rushed to hospital. I really thought it was the end of days. The Medical staff administered two bags of blood and one large Iron transfusion. Within less than 3 days I felt like a new man - it had nothing to do with my COPD.

One of the team Doctors gave me this advice, “get your family GP to administer Iron transfusion regularly for the rest of your life” this I have been trying to do. At this moment in time, a take two Iron tabs each day. My family GP is awaiting more tests.

This is just a little bit of advice learned by my experiences. Best wishes to all.

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