Down Hill

Not much of a storyteller but here goes. I was told by my family doctor that I had COPD but did not know anything about it until years later when I read that a pulmonologist is the one that I should be seeing. I went to one and that was about 22 years ago. Went to several over the years, one moved out of state, one retired, one I flat out did not like.

My Current situation

I am on 7L now with activity like walking or anything else but when I am sitting down and not doing anything I can get by with 3 or 4L. I have a mobility chair and when I run around in that I have a M6 tank I carry with me and sometimes I even turn it down to 2L, so I can stay outside longer in the spring and fall. During the summer and winter, I stay in the house most of the time. The summers get pretty humid and the winters get pretty cold in Wisconsin. I was on 5L until March of 2022 when I ended up in the hospital with pneumonia. When I got out I could not get by with less than 7L. I am 78 and full of life just no air. My hardest thing is slowing down I have a tendency to walk too fast and have a hard time slowing down. I only have one tomato plant this year in the past I have had two and cucumbers, sweet peas, radishes, and sunflowers. Maybe next year I can do better again.

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