A woman in a ball-room-dancing-gown is doing the cha-cha-dance with an anthropomorphic bottle of pills

Everybody Likes to Cha Cha Cha

Ask me what day it is or what the date is, I likely can’t tell you. You see, my weeks are cyclical.

My weekly cycle

My weekly cycle consists of two main events, garbage day and medication day.

Garbage day

It seems we are always taking all of the garbage out. Sometimes I post a picture of a garbage can so others can throw their garbage out too. You see, this is the day when we can throw out the tough stuff and start over. I tend to throw out pain, shortness of breath, and more. It’s a symbolic form of renewal and sometimes it does help.

Medication day

The day of the week that my medication is finished. A new packet begins the next day. I’m fortunate - I take so many meds that my local pharmacy puts my medications in blister packs. I always know that what I’m taking is correct and also what meds were accidentally skipped.

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Why is the last day of the week the one that’s medication day instead of the first day? I guess because I can’t go backward and change anything in the past, so that’s a closure. A new pack of medications brings hope that it may be a better week and that there can be better things ahead. It may be a silly thing to think about, but if there is hope, my mind is in a better place.

Fostering hope

It’s so important to have hope. Too often it’s like putting one step forward and two steps back. It’s important to know that one step forward and two steps back is the cha-cha. Cha cha cha! That can be so important. Why? Because it’s healthy and exciting.

We need to take an active part in our cha-cha.

Exercise to the rescue

The first thing that comes to mind is exercise. Exercise is one of the most important things that we can do for our overall health and it can possibly help to slow the progression of our COPD disease.

Pulmonary rehab

Pulmonary rehab can help a person breathe better. Talk to your doctor to see if there is a program at your local hospital. If there isn’t a program, ask your doctor for his/her recommendation. This program can help a person feel better by strengthening your respiratory muscles and your upper body.

Cardiac rehab

Cardiac rehab might be an option if it’s tweaked for you. This can help your heart, lungs, and circulation.

Physical therapy

Physical therapy is another option. When I had my total knee replacement, I went to physical therapy. My therapist helped with my knees and my back and he also showed me some exercises that I could do to help my lungs. The treadmill and exercise bike were used in every session. I still do them every two days here at home.


YouTube has some great exercises. Typing in “pulmonary rehabilitation” will bring up a number of exercises and someone is showing you what to do. As always, talk to your doctor before starting an exercise program. You see, it’s important to make sure that the exercises are good for you.

Strength training

Strengthening exercises are so important. These can be done with light weights, 12 oz. water bottles, a round dowel, or a cut-down broom handle. You can use whatever you have. If you have nothing to use, do without weights until you can get something. This can help to strengthen your respiratory muscles, upper body, and even muscles throughout the rest of your body.

Other exercise benefits

What else can exercise do besides strengthening the body? It helps the circulatory system and keeps the blood flowing. It helps your lungs so that you can breathe well. It also helps to give you extra space in your lung cavity and move oxygen. And yes, it’s good for the heart.

The best way to explain this is that it will improve your cha-cha. Cha cha cha!

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