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An adult woman celebrating a new year jogging, reading, and planning her garden

Happy New Year

Welcome to 2022, where possibilities are endless. It is within your power to make this year anything you want to make it. When you have a chronic illness like COPD, you must get your mindset to keep a positive attitude, stay in this moment, and keep anxiety at bay. Here are my plans for this shiny new year, and what I hope it brings.

Still learning

I have not finished learning. There is so much out there to learn and grasping new concepts is very good for your brain. I was always a learner and spent most of my adult life either learning or teaching.

I always had a thirst for education. While others do hobbies, my hobby is learning. One of the good things that have come from COVID is the increase in online learning. I've searched for rehab videos, learned new skills like Canva, and just listened to music or a book. There are a plethora of free things to see and do on YouTube alone.

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Planning my gardens

It won’t be long before we will be out of doors in our garden. This is a great time to plan your summer garden and get your seeds ready for planting. This is an easy task that I can do sitting down, and I just love the new growth that I know was created by my hands. Transplanting your established plants will leave room for growing newer smaller ones.


If you don’t have a regiment, this is a great time to begin exercising. If you do exercise start thinking of changing it up a bit and increasing your repetitions. Keep in mind the summer months ahead and how much you will appreciate the increased energy and mobility from upping your exercise game.

There are lots of free videos and online rehab available for those of us with COPD. Make sure you put COPD in the search bar so that you pick the proper exercise for you. If you are disciplined enough to take advantage of that, go for it, and if you are not disciplined enough to do them daily, then talk to the doctor about an in-person program. Nothing will increase your wellness more than exercise. If you are having problems getting started, try chair exercises to begin. A can of soup can do wonders as an exercise tool, and you can do it as you watch TV in the evening.

Alone but not lonely

As the pandemic rages on, I feel the need to stay put, rather than go out in crowds of people. I would rather be safe than sorry but that doesn’t mean I have to be lonely. With today’s technology, you can be face to face with anyone at any time.

Zoom is my new best friend. I started using it when the pandemic first started 2 years ago. It’s a way to stay safe but not lonely. I have made many friends and connected with old friends.

What will 2022 look like for you? Share with us below!

Editor’s Note: We are extremely saddened to say that on January 7th, 2024, Barbara Moore passed away. Barbara’s advocacy efforts and writing continue to reach many. She will be deeply missed.

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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