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animation of one door opening and another door closing

When One Door Closes, Another Door Will Open

Have you noticed that when one door closes another door will open? Sometimes it doesn't happen right away, it might take a few weeks or months. It is not easy when something we're so used to having is no longer there, and at times the wait seems endless and frustrating.

Uncertainty and adapting

I think the uncertainty of living with COPD and what is going on with Covid are very similar. Here in the UK, gyms are still shut and restrictions are very high. It's nearly 12 months since I have had someone in my home (except my husband). I rarely go out as it makes me anxious. Though the gym is shut, I have some equipment at home. I use them instead of what I did at the gym.

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Trying new things

I have taken up hobbies that I wouldn't usually have tried. There are doors that are shut within my routine and I wait for other doors to open. I'm sure they will open when the right time comes. While waiting for that door to open, choose something you have thought about doing but haven't yet. Try it - maybe it's your answer! If we don't try different things we will never know if it was that new door opening.

It's not easy when we're struggling to live our lives with COPD but there are so many things that we can do even if we haven't given them a real shot. It's exciting to try new things and actually enjoy them. It could be sewing, knitting, arts and crafts, crochet - all these activities are great. How about reading or puzzles? They're not strenuous and definitely pass the time quickly. We have nothing to lose but so much to gain by trying.

Grief and healing

I know we grieve for our old lives but we can no longer do what we used to. We tend to look at grief as losing someone we love dearly like a family member or close friend. But it is also possible to grieve something that we used to have. Many people with COPD grieve the loss of ability to lead an active life through working or playing sports. All of a sudden it has gone. We grieve for our past. Something that has been such a big part of our lives. Now we're searching for something so alien to us.

Learning and listening

Those days when our life was okay we had seemingly endless doors of possibility open to us. Now we are being cautious as we're not sure of our abilities and what we can or cannot do. Not knowing holds us back. Try something small that you know will not push you too hard. Learn to accept our different lifestyles. It's not easy but take it a day at a time. Learn to listen to your body. You are the best person to know your limits. Each of us has the ability to know what we can and cannot do.

Editor's Note: We are heartbroken to share that Debz passed away in October of 2021. She is deeply missed but her positivity and resilience live on through her articles. Thank you for everything, Debz.

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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