a woman listens to headphones as images from her past swirl around her

Music on a Bad Mood Day

When I woke up today, I was in a bad mood. It's funny how that happens for no apparent reason. I am aware the minute I open my eyes that my mood is low and that means it’s probably not going to be a good day. Before I rise from bed, I am looking for a reason. Did I have a bad dream? Not that I can remember. Is my breathing bad today? Not particularly bad, so this probably has nothing to do with it. Then, I stay in bed to try to meditate my bad mood away, but it is to no avail.

Memories come flooding

I paddle down to the kitchen where my husband has been for at least 2 hours. He will have been watching his news feed for all things sports. Being retired for the last year he has a new schedule. It usually means days upon days of surfing the net!

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After I have my tea and take my meds, I head into my office. Nobody will bother me here and I can sit and dwell on my bad mood day. I tell Google Nest to play my playlist and a song comes on that was from my days of yore. I begin to sing along as I work. Then I stop working and close my eyes and think of the song and all the things I was doing while listening to it in the past.

Memories come flooding back and I bathe in them. I can remember my husband and me with our kids belting out this song on the drive home from vacation. I remember my daughter and me singing it on the way to the mall. I can remember days when this song brought tears to my eyes when I broke up with a boyfriend. It’s funny, I can’t even remember his name, but I still remember the tears.

Changing my mood

Have you ever noticed how listening to music can change your mood? Music has a way of doing this to me. That’s why I love having a Google Nest in my office. I have it hooked up to my Spotify account and I can ask for any song my little heart desires.

Surgeons play music in operating rooms and people have been offered music therapy when going through chemotherapy to ease stress.1 Music therapists believe that there is an entire list of tools to add to your toolbox.1 One of the best benefits for us is playing music while exercising. It keeps us moving and helps us stick to our routines.

Don’t just listen. Turn up the volume and sing! You can’t be in a bad mood when you can belt it out, no matter how terrible you sound. Sing for your lungs because the pressure of singing gives your lungs exercise too.

So, now that I have listened to my music all day, I feel much better. Listen and sing to the music and see what a difference it can make for your day.

Editor’s Note: We are extremely saddened to say that on January 7th, 2024, Barbara Moore passed away. Barbara’s advocacy efforts and writing continue to reach many. She will be deeply missed.

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