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Make Your Home COPD Friendly

When you are diagnosed with COPD, you will most likely want to make changes in your home environment. It is so important to eliminate anything that may be harmful to your health if at all possible.

Log cabin life

We live in a log cabin in the mountains. For years we delighted in having a blazing fire on cold nights.  That fireplace was the first big alteration we chose to make. We purchased an electric insert that looks a little like having a nice fire and ours actually puts off a little heat.

The payoffs for making this sacrifice meant no open flames in the home and no ash on the floor or walls. I am on oxygen and certainly don’t need an open flame burning in the house. Plus, we know ash is messy and couldn’t be good to inhale. Not having it as dust on our furniture is a big bonus too.

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Toss the bleach

The next thing we did was toss out all of the caustic cleaners. I had those harsh chemicals in the bathrooms, the kitchen, and the utility room. There are lovely safe alternatives and they are much easier on the lungs.

Have some fun and make it your own

Thankfully, as a society, we have increased the demand for safer products. Manufacturing companies are filling that need. I also make a simple cleaning concoction that we love to use. I mix vinegar and water, 10 parts water to 1 part vinegar. Then I like to add a couple of drops of essential lemon or lemongrass oil just because it smells fresh.

Air purifiers

Maintaining good indoor air quality can be an important variable in reducing COPD symptoms. We have always been fairly good about changing the air filters in the house. I never really thought about a purification system. Since being diagnosed with COPD, it became apparent that adding a good air purifier would be the smart thing to do. After a great deal of research, we found one that seems to really make a difference.

Wood, tile or carpet

Carpet is not our friend. If you have the finances to eliminate it from your home, I suggest doing so. However, if you have carpet and elect to keep it, have it thoroughly cleaned. Once you have a clean slate, take your shoes off at the door and vacuum regularly.

Living clean

Our homes don’t have to be perfectly clean, but keeping the dust down and the floors clean will eliminate a lot of the pollutants that we breathe. Using chemical-free cleaning supplies will protect your lungs. Also, on a monthly basis, change all of the filters in your house. Lastly, I encourage you to ventilate your home and get fresh air when you can. It not only is great for breathing but can bring some peace and happiness to your day. Your lungs will definitely thank you.

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