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Taking on a Challenge

Have you ever thought of doing something different, then pushing the thought to the back of your mind and at some point forgetting about it? All of a sudden it pops right back into the front of your mind. Maybe the time wasn't right at first, but things have changed and now might be the correct moment.

Keep the exercises going

As winter approaches I know I will be getting out a lot less as we have plenty of Welsh rain and wind. The gyms are no longer an option so exercise is done at home. I am keeping a strict log of what I do and also check my oxygen saturation while exercising.

It's so important to keep the exercises going even though it can be difficult if you're doing them in your home. This is where the internet can help by linking up with friends or even exercise classes. It helps to feel less alone and still part of the community - a good link to the outside world. Yes, you might be indoors but you can still stay connected. Plus having a phone helps too.

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Doing something positive

Understandably you can't exercise all day and seven days a week. But using the internet, there are many online courses which can be easily accessed. There you can meet others taking the same course. New relationships and friendships can be forged. It is so important that we don't isolate ourselves and fall into a rut of not doing anything because that's when loneliness and depression set in. Life can become a vicious circle, lacking energy and purpose. It's a hard struggle to get off that wheel so as soon as we feel getting low, we need to kick butt into gear and force ourselves into doing something positive.

Life is for living

I know it's impossible to stay upbeat and happy all the time but we do have a coping mechanism to help us avoid the isolation and depression that comes with COPD. I think we all have much strength within us - we fight for survival and we fight to have a good life. We never know what is around the corner so we need to live life the fullest way possible. As they say, life is for living.

We need to listen to our bodies but also push on when we know we can do a little more. Write down in a journal what you have achieved and read it every now and then - you would be amazed at what you have achieved. There aren't many days that are the same so I don't make plans for going out. However, for things like online courses, I do plan ahead as it makes me excited to be doing something different and also I look forward to a challenge.

In this together

Remember you are not on your own with fighting COPD. We're all in this together and there are no two people who are the same. Every hurdle is different for each one of us, but we are in it together. There is life after a diagnosis. Think positive and be positive.

Editor's Note: We are heartbroken to share that Debz passed away in October of 2021. She is deeply missed but her positivity and resilience live on through her articles. Thank you for everything, Debz.

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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