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82yo dx’d with longtine asthma, recent dx’d COPD Rx Breztri, albuterol. Breztri helps but neither inhalant abolishes the birdlike whistles and wheezes. Hot water, lemon and honey helps for a little while. Very much interferes with sleep. Suggestions? TIA

  1. Hi there, Yes I know what you mean by that, my chest wheezing drives me up the wall at night sometimes, will not let me sleep including with crackling it sounds like a bad band playing in the room. The flutter valve can help me get the mucus up with my own copd but the wheezing sound does get me down at night sometimes.X

    1. Hi , I hear how much wheezing is impacting you. I'm confident other members of our community will chime in with their tips but in the meantime, here is an article that might be helpful: All the best, Sam S. (COPD team).

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