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UPdate on Lung Cancer and COPD

Hi all, so glad you allow me to do this, it's helpful just to vent in a way. Well as you know I finished chemo and radiation a while ago now and did not qualify for surgery and no more chemo for my body said enough once that was done. The doctors wanted to back up with something though just to try to ensure possible remission. What they came up with was immunotherapy which is normal for lung cancer, BUT because I also suffer with an autoimmune condition(s) RA (rheumatoid arthritis) and I can NOT take biologics, it was a hmmm moment for everyone. Well, after some chatting I went for it, knowing that the immunotherapy could possible start the RA up in a big way, but that was a MAYBE.. The thought was 1 years worth of immunotherapy treatments to help keep the cancer at bay by killing targeting the cancer T cells. As of this last Monday, after 3 treatments, all that ended. Yes, my body went against me and yes the RA went nuts and attacked my eyes (tear ducts), salivary glands and added some dryness to my lungs. After a weeks worth of heavy, really heavy steroids YEAH! It was officially deemed permanent damage, all treats stop! Where does that leave me with the cancer? Well on Dec 28th I go for a Ptscan, thus giving me the final answer of rather I am in remission or not. I see the Doctors on Jan 2 for that.

How is the COPD though? Well it so happened that I was schedule this last Tuesday for a PFT. I passed with no changes from 1 year ago! I know right? This was after that full collapse of the right lung and then some re-inflating after the radiation and chemo.. I know still at Stage 4 of course with 29% function! I am excited about this.!

Blood work is coming along, wow, being extreme anemic, having IV's of potassium added to the routine and just plain exhausted from lack of eating enough for there was no appetite at all has been the only side effects I had to deal with until the most recent anyway. Now though the appetite is coming back stronger every day and my waking hours for the day is getting longer too! Very exciting for it has been said that Christmas for the family (we are small) is at OUR house this year! I am going to need every ounce of energy I can find to help the hubby clean, decorate and cook ! Our daughter with the 2 grands will be staying with us a few days during this, she is great about helping also and the grands, well they just keep us smiling ...

No matter the out come at the end of the year will be, I AM FINISHING this year out with a BANG !

Thank you all so much for being there for me
Hugs to ALL

  1. Doris, thank you so much for the update! You've had a lot going on recently with your various health concerns. It is fantastic that your PFT has stayed consistent for the last year! Congratulations!! 🎉 That is definitely something to celebrate - especially with everything you are navigating with your lungs!

    I hear what an awful reaction your RA had to the immunotherapy treatment you and your doctors decided to try to ensure cancer remission. How are you feeling at this point after stopping? Has the RA started to calm back down? I hope your PET scans will give you good news about the cancer remission in the new year! We will look forward to hearing your report. Whatever it may be, we are here for you. I imagine someone has mentioned it to you before, but have you checked out our sister community for RA? You might find some helpful insights or support as you navigate the aftermath of this current RA flare over there!

    It sounds like you have some exciting plans for Christmas with your family coming to visit. Remember to pace yourself as you get the house ready! It is okay to rest, take breaks, and for it to be more low-key. The important part is getting to gather together. I'm so glad your daughter is helpful and understanding of how your health concerns impact you and your energy level. Having that compassion and her willingness to help out make such a difference. And grandkids definitely bring joy and delight to the season!

    I so admire your positive attitude and commitment to finishing the year strong! You are an inspiration! We are so glad that you are part of the community and take time to share, not only with us, but to lend support and encouragement to others. Thank you for being here! Know we are here to listen anytime you need support or a place to vent. Wishing you a gentle day. ~Allyson (team member)

    1. Doris,
      I so admire your fight and positive attitude! It seems as if you take life one day at a time and enjoy every minute you can. I am impressed and in awe. I don't know if I could go through what you are going through and still have a good attitude. I hope nothing but the best for you. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I am very happy for you to have family with you over the holidays. Have a wonderful holiday season. Take care and God Bless!

      1. Hi Doris , I admire your fight and way you look at things, you know how much I think of you remarkable person indeed.I am glad you are having your family around you, you are in my thoughts and try not to out burn yourself over the holidays. You are definitely a candle that light up our lives here with your Copd family. HUGS ALWAYS.X

        1. Doris, Your Amazing when I read your message to Me earlier I thought what a Wonderful Caring Woman .
          Reading Your note above My Heart is with You. You make Me want to be stronger so I can be there for Others.
          Enjoy Your Family , make a video to watch on down days.
          You know Doris I only know You from here. I would. Bet no matter what You have a sparkle in Your Eyes. Hugs to You and once again. I Thank-You.

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