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Testing without Albuterol

My wife says she can't do mornings without her Albuterol long enough to get her test done at the hospital what do I do they just keep saying that she has to do it the people at the hospital her pulmonologist crew

  1. Hi - thanks for your post and question. If you wouldn't mind clarifying this a little - I'd like to have a better understanding of what your concern is. It sounds like your wife (who uses Albuterol), cannot get sufficient relief to get over to the hospital to have a procedure / test performed. Am I understanding this correctly?
    It also sounds like the hospital staff and the pulmonary physician(s) are encouraging her to come.
    If you have a chance, kindly respond - I would like to try to assist in some way.
    Leon (site moderator

    1. Yes ,Cortect the multiple tests are scheduled the end of the month by her pulmonologist just seen for the first time.She is stressing out .
      She fears she cannot go with out her morning Albuterol as she always takes.
      She is very sensitive to humidity and temperature,we keep it quit cool / cold

      1. Hi again, CM152, and thanks for acknowledging my question and also clarifying exactly what the issue is for your wife. It may be best to let the physician(s) know that the plan will be. Your wife plans/needs to use the Albuterol before she leaves the house. The concern will be if that dose of Albuterol will compromise the test results when your wife is given the tests.
        What do you think?
        Leon (site moderator

    2. I feel for the both of you, it is so hard to change our routines sometimes. It can be very scary and cause anxiety for many of us. May I suggest to for her and/or you to call and chat with her doctor or nurse and let them know what is going on, they might be able to suggest something that would help. Remember Hippa will not allow them to give you information unless you are already approved by your wife, but it does not stop you from giving all the information you wish to share. It might be helpful to let her know that you will start the car, getting it cooled off for her and pull as close as you can so she will not have to walk as far. The cool air in the car and coming out of the vent, might be able to relax her enough to make the trip. Could also call ahead that day and let the test givers know you could use a wheel chair, just to help get her in and out of the building, thus she will not have to exert herself as much. These are only some thoughts that crossed my mind and helps me when I need it. I so wish you much luck getting her though these test and hopefully easing her COPD along the way.

      1. Hi again, doris - you make some excellent suggestions here, thank you! I see that our , has already acknowledged your suggestions, too. It sounds like he is hoping his wife can be admitted the night before. That might obviate the suggestions you (and I) have made.
        All the best,
        Leon (site moderator

    3. Yes,they are stressing the need for my wife to Not take her albuterol inhailer or nebulizer the morning / day of her three breathing tests and a CT scan. She insists she cant do without her inhailer in the morning when she gets up. The hospital is 70 miles away.I am hoping they will admit her the night before.

      1. Hi again, CM152c - thanks for remaining engaged with this conversation. Your idea would be yet another approach! Both and I, have made suggestions but, your idea to have your wife admitted the night before, might make our suggestions unnecessary. I wonder what the doctors will think of this idea. Please do check back and keep us apprised of your progress.
        Good luck!
        Leon (site moderator

      2. Hi there! I have been following this discussion and I think you have come up with a solid plan, as long as her team supports it. Given how far away the hospital is, I can really understand why that would be a difficult and stressful morning. Your suggestion seems to alleviate that stress altogether. Have you talked to them since your last post? I am rooting for you both and hope everything goes well! -Melissa, team

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