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T-Minus 3 Days!

My sister arrives by air ambulance from Denver to San Diego in three days! We made it happen!

After her 6th or 7th exacerbation since January, I put my foot down. “You are coming to live with me.” While I am only a week away from a hip replacement, I put it aside and put together her move. Oxygen has arrived, her room is ready, and now it’s time to pray that sea level, one floor home, and daily help can ease her experience. Last spirometer was 28%, down 10% from last year. Just released from hospital yesterday, she started in ICU for the better bipap O2 mask. Decline is happening faster than we wish.

But together, we will enjoy every second we have. I wish someone would help us understand our remaining time. I know folks have said you can live years with end stage, but it just doesn’t seem realistic from
My observation of her condition. How can we get a general understanding of her time?

Not matter what, I am so grateful for the support from people from all chapters of her life who made this air ambulance flight possible. Without it, we couldn’t make this move. And thank you to this group, who by just being there, allowing me to vent once in awhile, made it easier on me so I coujd be available to her. Welcome Sign

  1. How awesome, ! I am thrilled that it all worked out and she is almost there. I hope your hip surgery goes well and that your recovery is quick and uneventful. Let us know how it goes if you don't mind. I wish someone could tell you more about your sister's future, but COPD is unpredictable. She might progress quickly or she might plateau for years. All you can do, at this point, is enjoy every minute you have together. Thinking of you both and sending loads of gentle hugs your way. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. so excited for you both! The transition will be hard at first I am sure, but once things settle in I lbelieve as you this is the best thing for you and your sister! . Can not wait to hear about all the adventures you will be going through as a sibling team! Best to you, Doris

      1. Hi, Dupey! How's it going with the two of you? Did you have your surgery? I wish you a full and uncomplicated recovery -- don't push yourself too hard. Looking forward to when you can update. 😀 Sending a hug! Your sister is welcome here on the site as well, if she's interested. We'd be glad to have her. -Melissa, team member

        1. Hi all: it’s been officially two weeks since my sister arrived in SoCal from Denver. It’s been a busy, crazy week! We checked in with a local PCP during a 90+ degree heat day to find out that she has a spinal wedge compression issue causing the intense back pain she’s endured for almost 6 months. Not one dr in 7 hospitalizations even xrayed her to see why!!!! Geez.

          Anyway, she’s definitely breathing a bit better so far, but we’ve been told it’s the honeymoon period as her blood adapts to lower altitude. Who cares? It’s better for now. If we can solve for back pain, we’d be on the right track.

          As for me, today is one week post hip replacement! I’m doing well, very manageable pain, walking short walks every hour, but mainly in bed elevated on ice- with my sister and puppies laying right next to me. Insurance paid for caregivers to be here which has been amazing helping us manage daily. Hopefully in a month, I’ll be able to start helping my sis with her many needs.

          As for her, she’s a trooper. Moving here, giving up her whole life, privacy, independence, her kitty relocated to our mom’s home… it’s hard on her. She can be pretty grumpy which is tough on me, but I breathe and let it go cause I know she doesn’t mean it. It’s just the many layers of challenge we are dealing with. 🫶🏼🙏

          1. Hi ! I am thrilled to hear your recovery is going so well. I hope you keep improving and that the new hip brings new energy. Have you started physical therapy yet? How awesome that you have the support of paid caregivers. That must help tremendously. Will you be able to keep the caregiver for your sister on after you no longer need help? It might be nice to have some respite.
            It's good of you to recognize how stressful this must all be for your sister. You are fortunate to have each other, for sure.
            It's maddening to think that your sister endured all that back pain for so long when she didn't have to. I am glad you welcomed her into your home and found such excellent care for her. I'm with you on the honeymoon period. Who cares if it's short-lived. It's a wonderful reprieve for now.
            Thanks for the update. I've been thinking about you both and wondering how you're doing. Warmly, Lori (Team Member)

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