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Waiting To Exhale
Last Updated:
I sleep in front of a fan w/o O2 or CPAP. When I lie on my left side, I find that my sleep is interrupted and I get wheezy. I wake up every hour or 2. But, when I sleep on my right side, I get a much better sleep overall. I haven't slept a straight 8 since I was in my teens, so I'm used to interrupted sleep, but I find I only get actual REM sleep when I'm lying on my right side.
Has anyone experienced this same result?
Leon Lebowitz, RRT Member
Last Updated:
Hi, and thanks for your post and question - it's a good one.
As I did a cursory check of the literature, there seems to be a difference of opinion as to which side (if either), provides a better sleep experience. It also seems to vary considerably from person to person with little evidence to support either view.
When I was younger, my dad used to tell me to try to sleep on my right side, since his view was that sleeping on one's left side compressed the heart. That also turned out to be anecdotal as sleeping on either side didn't affect me one way or the other. That is true (for me), to this day.
I hope others in the community chime in here - it would be interesting to see what others have to say!
All the best,
Leon (site moderator
kloker Member
Last Updated:
So, I sleep on my stomach, with my face and torso turned somewhat to the left. So, my left shoulder is up a bit, my right arm straight up under the pillow towards the wall, my left arm bent and on top of the pillow, with my head resting on my hand. I've slept this way since my twenties, and cannot sleep any other way and breathe. I am also now barrel-chested due to lung expansion from C02 build-up. I sleep with my cannula on at 3 lpm. I sleep for 3-4 hours at a time, no more, and it is not very high-quality sleep. So, I am up for approval for a home ventilator, though still waiting. I do take naps some days.
Waiting To Exhale Member
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kloker Member
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