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Having COPD,with shortness of breath,U have to think out and plan every single thing u do,the bathroom,eating,walking,bathing,and just hope u don't have a breathing attack.U wonder if the next exacerbation will be your last,I've had a bunch of them,it's so scary,your just praying get me thru

    1. We hear you, doggy, and you are not alone! This community is made up of members who understand how you feel and know just what you are going through.
      If there is anything we can do to assist you, please let me or any other moderator / team member know. You are always welcome here!
      All the best,
      Leon (site moderator

      1. ,
        I know how you feel. I plan my day every morning or sometimes I plan the next at night while falling asleep. I plan around the weather, around errands needing to get done, around my part time job, around house chores, around when to exercise and doing my breathing exercises, pretty much every aspect of life is planned around my breathing. It is just the way it is now. This is how my life has changed. I don't particularly like it, but I am learning to adapt. I really don't have a choice, so I don't fret about it, I just do what I need to do to get through the day and what I need to do to stay as healthy as possible. Thinking about not making it through the day is not part of my process. I think as positively as possible at all times. It isn't easy, but I couldn't live being negative all the time. So, stay as positive as possible Doggy. I try to get a little better at things every day. So far it seems to be working. I feel better now than I did yesterday. I plan to feel better tomorrow than I did today. Attitude is 90% of life. Keep your chin up Doggy. God Bless!

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