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Is my persistent consolidation a mass or growth?

I had a bout of aspirational pneumonia in May. My follow up chest X-ray on July 3rd showed still some consolidation in right upper lobe. The next X-ray on July 25 showed a little clearing but still persistent consolidation. I'm worried as to why this hasn't cleared up. Feeling well and 02 at 95% when running around all day. Report said could not rule out nodules. Is this possibly a mass or growth?

  1. This is a similar question a friend of mine asked recently. What I told her was that "possible" also means that there's a good chance that it's just the pneumonia, but the interpreting doctor isn't 100% certain. It's basically doctor language for, "You should probably have this patient have a repeat x-ray at some point in the future." It's also good that interpreting doctors communicate this way, because, if you do have something other than just pneumonia, you'll definitely want an early diagnosis and proper treatment for that too. In my friend's case, it turned out to be just pneumonia and a future x-ray showed up normal. So, I think the best thing for you to do here is to keep in touch with your physician. Plus, please keep in mind that, when it comes to your healthcare, you are the boss. If you have questions, you can always call your doctor for clarification. Hope this helps. John. Site Moderator.

    1. Already have another Xray scheduled for 9-11and a appointment to discuss results then Thanks for your input HOPS I have a acapella a lung flute and a incentive spiromiter which I use at least 4x daily plus my regular nebulizing treatments my combivent and 2 other inhalers I am religious about my respiratory treatments and plan my work around my medicinal needs Thanks for the words of encouragement. I'll post again when I get results until then you just have to wait in anxious anticipation HOPS

    2. Thanks for the extra explanation, HOPS. We ARE actually waiting to hear back when you do get your results. Don't you worry, we'll be here!!
      All the best,
      Leon (site moderator)

  2. Hi HOPS,

    I'm sorry about your pneumonia, but happy to hear you're on the road to recovery. First, let me say it's not unusual for consolidation, especially in upper lobes, to appear for some time. July 3rd to 25th is not a particularly long time - so don't panic.

    The fact that you're feeling well and your saturation levels are good, is a great sign that you're improving. Next time you see your doctor ask very specifically why they feel it hasn't cleared completely. These reports tend to cover every last possibility, which doesn't necessarily mean it's probable.

    If they gave you a lung clearing device when you had the pneumonia, I would suggest you continue to use it at home. If you don't have one, you can do simple lung exercises without one. Sit or stand and take a very deep breath and try to hold it at the peak of insiration for a few seconds. Let it out slowly and completely. Do this 5 or 10 times in a row a few times a day.

    Let us know how you make out.

    Lyn (moderator)

    1. Thanks again for your help and inspiration feeling well moving aroundall day02 stays at 95% Nebulizing 3x a day with normal amount of mucus. Still not sure of how consolidated area remains even though all other symtoms have long since vanished. But time will tell stay tuned

      1. Hi (again) HOPS. It's our pleasure! You sound like all is going in the right direction. If you're staying active and busy, that's all good!!
        Keep up the good work!
        Leon (site moderator)

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