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just wondering how many are on morphine? i use0.25 ml 3 times a day currently. when i used it 4 times daily i did much better getting around. the VA PhD nurse is my "doctor". she does not want me to use it at all. she wont fill most prescriptions if I don't use VA doctors. not the support i expected. VA hospital is too far for me to use regularly and a traffic nightmare so i only go there once yearly that they require to help at all. my local dr. requires me to use palliative care just for morphine use. anyone else using it and having trouble?

  1. Thank you for reaching out! I hear how challenging you are finding it to access your morphine prescription through the VA. I have heard different accounts of experiences with VA care. Some in the community with these benefits are pleased with their care and others face roadblocks similar to yours. There are those in the community who are prescribed morphine for helping to manage their COPD symptoms. I do not know if they struggle with having the medication filled. We do have an article about morphine for COPD that might be of interest to you:
    I hope others in the community will stop by to share their experiences with you! How are you feeling today? Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Know we are here to listen when you need support. Wishing you a gentle day. ~Allyson ( team)

    1. i feel ok if i dont get up and try to move, i read the article and sounds like that is why my pulmonologist of 4 years put me on it. when she left i was using a temporary dr. she would not prescribe it. she left after 2 months and i was without a dr. for 3 months. my new dr saw me once and told me at the moment waiting for paperwork to go thru she couldnt prescribe it. now i get it at the lower dose from familly dr. and my breathing ability is terrible.

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