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Me and COPD.😎

I am 80 years old and was diagnosed with COPD when I was 78. I started smoking when I was about 7 years old. Any one of my age will tel you that smoking was not known to be a hazard to your health then. Every one in my family's smoked and most of the people ,old and young smoked as well. You could but Cigarettes in most corner Shops, nd even 5 cigarettes to just 6 pence. us Kids would put our penny's together a get an older person to get them for us.. I grew up to be quite a good singer so when I was about 20 I joined a Blues Band and travels all over Europe and the US ... To cut a long storey short I was fine up until Covid came around so I was unable to do any Gigs for 2years . And just after the we were alowed to start mixing again I was Diagnosed with COPD .And am really not a Happy Bunny right now. My wife also smokes but I try an get her to stop and it is hard work . She has been a really good help to me as now that I cannot drive any more.

  1. Thanks for your story Bolivar. I’m 83, diagnosed in my 60s but didn’t have a problem until last year. Two exacerbations three months apart, now on oxygen 24/7 and thought my life was over. It is NOT… With support from family and friends, especially my wife who is truly a Saint for putting up with me and caring for me above and beyond. Life goes on and it is GOOD. I count my blessings every day and look forward to the time I have left. Keep a good attitude Bolivar, and keep bugging your wife about her smoking….

    1. . Just had a couple days with no real problems, no Dizziness no Breathlesnes so have been able to get on with working in the Garden and sorting out the Pond . I get so frustrated when I can't get on with all the stuff that needs to be done. I really hate it when I can't do it , so I get a bit uptight , and a angry 😠 . So just have to go and lie down in a dark room untiIl l relax . It's not fair on my Wife when I get like that. And it ain't like me so I end up feeling really Guilty.😎

      1. try not to be too hard on yourself. No one is expected to handle everything perfectly all the time. And when life throws you a bad hand, sometimes you have to shake your fist and say that it's not fair! It seems like taking some time by yourself to relax and calm down is helpful. Maybe you could pick a book to read a few pages of, to get your mind off of things? And then maybe do something kind for your wife if you've been a grump to her. 😀 You are not alone in any of this, we've all been in similar situations and we're here for you. -Melissa, team member

    2. Hi Melissa, thank you for your support, I do get a bit uptight some times , but it doesn't last for long. I am lucky that my Wife will coach me out of it , or one of my Grand Kids will phone me. My niece has just bought me a Nebulizer so. I am going to try that. I will let you know how it goes. 😎

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